Vezzoli, C. De Michele, F. Accatino, R.J. Scholes. Vegetation changes under
gradients of precipitation and fire using a simple ecohydrologic model. BG2 Terrestrial
Biogeosciences. European Geosciences Union 2011, April 2011, Vienna (A)
Accatino, C. De Michele, R. Vezzoli, R.J. Scholes. Investigating savanna domain
in parameter planes exploiting a tree-grass-soil water dynamic model. BG2.9
Biogeochemistry and ecohydrology of arid and semi-arid ecosystems. European Geosciences Union 2011, April, 2011, Vienna (A)
Accatino, C. de Michele, R. Vezzoli, R.J. Scholes. Assessing the role of
distrubances in the tree-grass dynamics of savanna ecosystems using a simple
ecohydrologic model. 9th Annual Savanna Science Network Meeting (2011), March 2011, Kruger National Park, Skukuza (SA)
de Michele, F. Accatino, R. Vezzoli, D. Donzelli, R.J. Scholes. Resources
competition and disturbances in an ecohydrologic tree-grass-soil water model. 9th Annual Savanna Science Network Meeting (2011), March 2011, Kruger National Park, Skukuza (SA)
Accatino, R. Vezzoli, D. Donzelli, C. de Michele, R.J. Scholes. Wet and dry savannas: equilibria of
co-existence driven by resources competition and disturbances. (Poster) 1.Theory
and Modelling of Water Cycle in Water - Limited Ecosystems. Latsys Symposium 2010 Ecohydrology, September 2010, Lousanne (CH)
Avanzi, F., De Michele, C., Ghezzi, A., Jommi, C., Pepe, M. A coupled framework to process snow data at sub-daily time resolution and model seasonal snow mass dynamics at local scale. Alpine Glaciology Meeting, May 2015, Milan
Avanzi, F., De Michele, C., Ghezzi, A., Jommi, C., Pepe, M. A processing-modeling routine to use rough data from automatic weather stations in snowpack mass dynamics modeling at fine temporal resolutions. EGU General Assembly, April 2015, Vienna
Avanzi, F., Caruso, M., Jommi, C., De Michele, C., Ghezzi, A. An attempt to monitor liquid water content in seasonal snow using capacitance probes. EGU General Assembly, April 2015, Vienna
Da Ronco, P., De Michele, C., Montesarchio, M., Mercogliano, P. Exploiting MODIS data for the assessment of snow cover simulations driven by a RCM. EGU General Assembly, April 2015, Vienna
Avanzi, F., De Michele, C., Ghezzi, A. Evaluation of the performances of empirical regressions for the calculation of bulk snow density, ‘The Future of the Glaciers: from the past to the next 100 years’, September 2014, Turin.
Da Ronco, P., De Michele, C. Snow mapping from MODIS products: the application of an improved cloud removal methodology to the Po river basin. EGU General Assembly, April 2014, Vienna
Da Ronco, P., De Michele, C. Snow mapping from MODIS products: the application of an improved cloud removal methodology to the Po river basin. EGU General Assembly, April 2014, Vienna
Avanzi, F., De Michele, C., Ghezzi, A., Bondiolotti, F., Della Vedova, G. Application of a snowpack dynamic model to continuous-time data-series of snow depth and snow water equivalent from three weather stations in the upper Valtellina valley. EGU General Assembly, April 2014, Vienna
Avanzi, F., De Michele, C., Morin, S., Lejeune, Y., Ghezzi, A. Extensive validation of a one-dimensional model of bulk snow density, depth and mass content using 18 years of quality-controlled multi-year data at Col de Porte (France). EGU General Assembly, April 2014, Vienna
Avanzi, F., De Michele, C., Ghezzi, A., Jommi, C., Caruso, M., Using a simple one-dimensional model of liquid water content in seasonal snowpacks. Workshop: Liquid water in snow - Measurement techniques and modeling approaches, April 2014, SLF - Davos Dorf
De Michele, C., Avanzi, F., Ghezzi, A., Jommi, C. A dynamic model of snowpack density, depth and mass content and its validation along an altitude gradient. EGU General Assembly, April 2013, Vienna
Cugerone, K., De Michele, C. Universal functional form of 1-minute raindrop size distribution? EGU General Assembly, April 2015, Vienna
De Michele, C., Ignaccolo, M., On the probability distribution of drop diameter at the ground during stratiform and convective rain. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 1105.
Avanzi, F., De Michele, C., Gabriele, S., Ghezzi, A., Rosso, R. Effect of elevation on extreme precipitation of short durations: evidences of orographic signature on the parameters of Depth-Duration-Frequency curves. EGU General Assembly, April 2015, Vienna
De Michele, C., Salvadori, G. 2010. Multivariate Extreme Value models in hydrology: a copula approach. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12, 9486.